Claiming, Triaging & Closing Cases

After a Case is created, all members of the receiving Team or the Individual are notified of the Case and its priority. The Case can then be claimed and actioned, or if additional support is needed, triaged with other Teams and Individuals.

On this page: 


👇 Claiming a Case from a Team

1. Access the Case 

Note: Depending on your Team's setup this migh be through Powerlist of the the Case List 

  • Navigate to the Team that received the Case and go to the Case "inbox" or Powerlist. 
  • Unclaimed and most recent Cases appear at the top of the list.
  • Click on the Case to open it. 
  • 💡Tip: Attach labels to the Case for easy filtering in the Case list, allowing you and your team to group and search for specific Cases.

2. Claim or Forward the Case

  • After opening the Case, you can claim and action it or forward it to another Team for assistance. 
  • To forward or share the Case with another Team or Individual:
    • Go to the three dots in the bottom of the screen.
    • Selecte Share Case

3. Engage with the Case Creator

  • Communicate directly with the Case creator in the Case chat thread.
  • Share files, record an audio note or initiate voice or video call with the option to screen-share.
  • If a Patient Card is attached, you can open it and access patient data and clinical notes. 

👇Claiming a Direct Case

  1. You'll be notified of the new direct Case sent to you. 
  2. Click on Cases in the left-hand men and go to your Case Inbox where new Cases are highlighted for easy identification
  3. Click on Claim to action. 

💡 Tip: Claiming a direct Case signals to the sender that you're actively working on it.


👇Triaging a Case

1. Share the Case: If you need additional assistance from a specialised Team or Individual, you have the option to share the Case. 


2. Request Response: If you need a specific team member to take action on the case or bring it to their attention, you can use the "Request Response" feature under Options (top right). 

When you select "Request Response", the selected Team member will receive a notification that remains unread until they respond, ensuring a timely resolution.


👇Abandoning a Case

  1. If you’ve claimed a Case but can't proceed, you have the option to abandon a Case resetting its status to ‘unclaimed’.
  2. This action notifies the Case creator and your Team members enabling someone else in the Team to claim and action the Case.

💡 Even if a Case is in a 'claimed' status and hasn't been abandoned, other members of the Team can still claim it. All activity is logged in the Case chat.



👇Closing a Case

1. Once the Case has been actioned, make sure to close the Case. This will send a close request to the Case creator. The Case creator will then have the option to confirm the closing of the Case or reopen it if further information or assistance is needed.

💡Requesting to close Cases is an important step for two reasons:

    1. Informs the Case creator that the necessary work is complete.
    2. Maintains a smaller Case list making it easier to keep track of remaining Cases.

You can add an optional closing note if needed. 

2. Auto-close of pending Cases

  • If no action is performed by the Case creator, the Case will be automatically closed after 7 days:
    • A message for auto-closure will be lodged in the Team and Case chat.
    • A countdown will be visible for the Case creator in the Case.