Archiving, Removing, Restoring Patient Cards

Manage your Patient Cards using Foxo Shortcuts


👍 Good to know...

  • Foxo allows you to archive and restore Patient Cards
  • You can archive multiple Patient Cards by holding down Shift then selecting the first and last patient you wish to archive
  • Archiving a patient card will hide the patient from your Patients list
  • An Archived patient can only be viewed via the Archived patient filter
  • Archived patients can be restored via the Archived filter

Archive a single Patient Card:

  1. Open the Patients menu
  2. Navigate to the patient that you'd like to archive
  3. On mobile: swipe left and select Archive
  4. On desktop: Hover over the patient, select the chevron < in the patient list, select Archive

Archive multiple Patient Cards:

  1. Open the Patients menu
  2. Hover over the first patient you wish to archive and select the check box
  3. Scroll down to the last patient, hold shift and click the check box
  4. Select Archive



💡 Foxo Tip

  • When you archive a patient as a Primary Carer, the patient card will be locked and no further edits can be made by any users with card permissions.
  • Patient Cards cannot be deleted, they can only be archived.