Creating and Managing Case Identifiers

Case identifiers are unique pieces of information (e.g. DOB, meidcare number etc) that verify the patient's identity. When patients initiate a chat, they can be prompted to provide specific identifiers to verify their identity quickly and securely.

💡 These identifiers can serve as a method to verify the patient's identity before proceeding with the conversation. You can create as many custom case identifiers as needed depending on your verification process. These identifiers can be marked as either required or optional.


1. Go to the Team's Settings

team options

2. Select the Guests tab


3. Scroll down to Template Identifiers and click on Manage


4. Click on the blue plus icon to create a custome identifier. You can choose, between Text, Date, Phone or Advanced

💡Under Advanced you'll find pre-configured identifiers such as DOB, Gender, Medicare number, Name and Phone number etc. 

💡Note: Guest Phone and Guest Name will automatically be filled from when the patient logs in, so they don't need to provide it again if added here. 


5. Toggle: Ask and Required

Select Ask: the patient will be prompted to fill in the identifier. 

Select Required: the patient will need to fill in the field before they can proceed with the chat. 

6. Add as many identifiers as needed and click Done. You can rearrange the sequence via the drag icon. 

7. Don't forget to save


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