How to delete your account

Learn the key steps to deactivate and delete your account

As a clinical platform where expert advice is shared and discussed in relation to a patient's condition or care, it's imperative identifiable information is retained to ensure accountability in the rare event of litigation and negative patient outcomes.


Personally Identifiable Information is never sold to third parties.

Per Foxo's Terms of Use, we retain submitted content to continue to provide the platform to other users you have communicated with using Foxo. When your Account is de-activated or deleted, we continue to use your identifiable information to continue providing Foxo to other users you have communicated with using Foxo. Your personal information will only be de-identified or deleted when required by, and in accordance with, applicable laws.


To Deactivate your account, follow these steps (mobile and desktop):

  1. Navigate to your profile
  2. Select "My Profile"
  3. Expand your Profile by pressing "Show More"
  4. Choose "Deactivate Account"

To Delete your account, please contact us via and make note of the above agreed terms and applicable law.