B2B API Referrer Connect & Patient Connect (AKA Guest Chat)

Set up a Foxo account on the Foxo Staging environment and explore our B2B API

⚠️ Important: Request Foxo to whitelist your email domain before proceeding here

  1. Register an account using your work email here
    Registering with your whitelisted work email will streamline your experience into the testing environment.
  2. Please join the "Demo Healthcare" organisation on Foxo  here
    It's important to join an Organisation as this enables access to Foxo Teams where Referrer & Patient Connect are live.
  3. Join the "Referrer Concierge" Team, you'll find your teams here.
    This Team has the Connect links enabled and will receive your Cases using the Teams UID below.
  4. Finally, you'll need someone at Foxo to create your B2B API credentials, request this here.

Once you have completed the above 4 steps:

⚠️ Important: Use a different email address when testing as a "Guest" user.